Wednesday, October 16, 2019


We realise with work commitments and people’s social lives that sticking to a plan isn’t always as easy as we would like. Therefore, please think ahead to allow yourself a better chance of making the right choice. This plan has been designed for OPTIMAL results. Everyone who has followed this plan has had great results. We are all different and want different things from the plan. The more you stick to the plan, the better the results. Once you get the results and feel great, look great, you don’t want to go back to feeling tired, bloated, overweight, and feeling like you are out of control with your weight and health.

We realise for some people the thought of cutting out caffeine, alcohol or anything from the list makes your diet sound like hell. If you are someone who drinks lots of caffeine you may feel that halving the amount will make a difference and benefit you when it comes to weight and health improvements. For some of us this is a life- changing plan where some of the foods and meals are so different from our regular eating habits. We just want to stress the emphasis that you might opt to change 50% of your habits and not change the others. As long you are aware that you may not get all the results you are after, it will still be a small step in the right direction to a healthier life. All recipes are provided in the recipe card section. Meals such as fruit salad and other snacks are not in the recipe card section as you can either buy them or don’t need to be explained how to make them, such as carrots.

Regular Basis – I have highlighted this because people who live healthy lifestyles sometimes eat foods that aren’t on the approved list during the plan, like chocolate or ice creams. A healthy eating plan doesn’t encourage eating these foods because they don’t provide the body with lots of healthy nutrients. However, we except that from time to time these will be eaten - that’s life

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